Fabrizio Ruggeri, Ph. D. de Duke University y Research Director, Italian National Research Council in Milano, Italia, quien se encuentra de visita en la Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, dictará la charla “Bayesian Quality Control in the Big Data Era”, el próximo jueves 30 de noviembre, a las 12:00 en la sala IBC 6-2, Facultad de Ingeniería de la PUCV Avda. Brasil 2241, Piso 6º.

La visita de Ruggeri se enmarca y es financiada por la Cooperación Internacional del proyecto Fondecyt 1160868 titulado "On new characterizations of cumulative damage models and their applications to contamination, mining and natural catastrophes", del profesor de la EII Víctor Leiva. Ph. D.

Resumen Charla:

Quality control has been an activity which has long relied on a relatively limited number of observations and, in a Bayesian framework, on expert opinions for a very restricted set of parameters. Availability of large amount data and the increased complexity of industrial processes at hand (involving a remarkable number of parameters) provide new challenges in both monitoring many processes at the same time and using experts' knowledge to assess priors on the parameters of interest. The talk will review the current literature in the field, discussing also directions for future research.

Inscripciones y consultas: extensión.eii@pucv.cl

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Charla: Bayesian Quality Control in the Big Data Era